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Monday, July 16, 2007

Exercise yes...

huahh what a busy day..,mungkin itu kalimat yang tepat buat ngegambarin hari ini, hari yang selalu super sibuk walau kenyataannya ga begitu!, :D karena sebenernya nih kerjaan kayaknya ga akan ada habis-habisnya..., jadi ga perlu dipersoalkanlah cuma kok badan jadi kerasa pegel2 gini yah.. adughhhh, *wah ia gw baru inget kemarin tuh abis2an olahraga lagi dah lama gak exercise, jadi begitu di latih lagi ughh pada pegel2 semua, tapi ga apa2 deh lagian kayaknya si perut sudah kelihatan chubby gitu ;)), wak gw paling takut tuh klo dah gitu... mesti exercise exercise ... hosh ... hosh 1.., 2 .., 3.., ughhh hoshh hosshh..., nah baru kerasa deh hari ini semua pada pegel2 gitu ;)) yah maklum deh dah makin uzurr :))


Posted by Ichad at 10:01 PM
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Foolishly in Love

  • With or without your presence were the same,
  • The sight of you or the thought of you,
  • There's no respite from aching,
  • My heart is heavy and tired,
  • I hear the voices within me,
  • Telling me that the suffering should come to an end,
  • That I should break the chains of melancholy.

  • Since you came into my life,
  • I knew not of joyful days,
  • I knew not that love felt like this,
  • With just one glance and you changed the whole of me,
  • Yet didn't you realize you've turned me into a child,
  • Who would just break down and cry, and so I questioned,

  • How many heartstrings must you sever?

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    --by: Thomas A. Edison--

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